Proceed at your own risk. We're not responsible for you blowing yourself or your gun upBlank Adapting the 1919a4 Browning 30 Caliber
Date Written: September 2011
Author: Chris Guska
Blank Adapting the 1919a4 Browning 30 Caliber LMG
This is the quick and dirty instructions on how to do this. Not much detail - but if you are familiar with the 1919 and can do some basic garage work - this will get you there.
1.) Selecting blanks
2.) Feedway modifications
3.) Booster / BFA modifications
4.) Belts vs Links
5.) Feed parts
6.) Troubleshooting
1.) Feedway adapters need modified / welded / fitted to the specific blanks you are using. They need to slide freely left to right, but not have much movement front to back - 1/16 of inch or less.
2.) Modify the booster to be able to take various size set screw restrictor plugs. I do this by threading a 308 israeli booster for 5/8 NC, then weld in a Grade 8 bolt. Do not use allthread or a mild steel bolt as it will severely erode.
3.) Drill and tap the plugged booster for set screws of your choice.
4.) Make up an assortment of setscrews from 0.115 - 0.195 by the hundreth. My Browning 30's run @ around ~.15X with the plastic blanks.
5.) Troubleshoot and have fun.
90th IDPG Projects