If you'd like even more information, please check out the following and then take a look at our Articles and our Photo section.
About the 90thIDPG
Membership Philosophy and Details
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Alliance OH - Sep 2007 |
This website is the product of our research into the uniforms, equipment, weaponry and vehicles of WW2 and we've tried to make it useful to as many people as possible. Some of us collect weapons, restore vehicles and even reproduce hard to find paperwork and equipment. With that being said, all of us are primarily reenactors. All the above just come out of our love for the hobby and the time period. We'd love to talk to anyone with the same interests and possibly have you join up with us.
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About the hobby:
First, let me just say this is a FUN hobby. If your favorite activity as a kid was playing army, that's a great start right there. We sleep on the ground, crawl through the woods, ride in trucks, sleep in barracks and just generally have a blast. While these are some of the things we do at "tactical" events, we actually spend a lot of our time at "display" events; airshows, educational and community events. You'll learn just as much at these events as you have from any books or tv shows. You'll get to talk to fellow reenactors who may have researched things you haven't but more importantly, you'll get to interact with veterans. Imagine talking to a guy who was at a battle that you've read about. Imagine spending 2 weeks in France and Belgium along with a couple vets following the route that they walked 60+ years ago (one of our members has). We relive history and help keep it alive by participating in such events as memorial dedications, veterans' ceremonies, parades, living history encampments, and simulated combat events. Picture marching in formation along with trucks and dozens of other historians in front of thousands of people during a Veterans' Day parade. Sleeping with your rifle in a pup tent after just having come off guard duty at 3am. Speaking in front of school children teaching them what their grandparents did. Maneuvering through the woods along with 600 other soldiers against 900 German living historians.
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Fort Indiantown Gap - March 2005 |
It's not cheap if you do it right. While nothing required is too terribly expensive, it does add up. Helmet to boots, then add a weapon, tentage, clothing for colder temperatures, toiletry kit, and then all the nice and shiny items like pocket knives, equipment crates, etc etc etc; you'll have a lot invested. Of course, you don't buy everything at once, it actually takes quite a while. And if you buy decent items they can be an investment. Everyone in the unit has bought and sold equipment for more than they paid for it in order to expand or upgrade what they already own. Any unit will help you out and possibly even loan you gear to get you started, but you won't last long in the hobby if you only want to buy the most basic uniform and never buy a weapon. Our requirements have been developed specifically to provide you with what you will need and some degree of flexibility while you accumulate your kit. Each of the tiers have been broken into approximatley equal dollar investments. Before you buy ANYTHING, talk with the unit to see if the item is correct and that you're getting the best possible price. Reenacting can be done correctly on a budget!
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Conneaut OH, D-day Reenactment - Sep 2002 |
About us:
-Our membership is spread out from western PA to central OH.
-Our events are from eastern PA to western OH.
-We do from 0-1 in the colder months and 1-2 a month in the summer.
-We are a diverse group; environmentalists, steelworkers, a lawyer and a couple IT guys.
-We are not political (we actually vary from left wing to far right).
-While we all have pretty good senses of humor, and will quickly have fun at another member's expense, we are all good friends. We've never had and won't tolerate cliques, politics, in-fighting or rank-grabbing.
-We have very high standards for authenticity and equipment. We don't allow long hair, modern glasses, post-war uniforms, air mattresses or an apparent lack of physical fitness.
-While the WW2 "dogface" GI may not have looked as sharp as a German or even British soldier, we still have the utmost respect for the uniform and won't tolerate a lack of military bearing.
-We are very big on comradery. Any member will be there for another when needed.
-Every member has something to contribute; equipment, research, reproduction items, restoration abilities, photography, etc. Over time, every member has found a place to help out.
-~25% of our members are first time reenactors. ~75% have been in other units.
-16 is the minimum age for unit members or guests.
-Unit members must be 18 years of age to handle any weapons.
-Most Importantly - We have a very high reputation and some great relationships with other units because of the above. We intend to keep it that way.
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If you've read this far and you are now really interested in seeing what the hobby and the 90th are about, please contact us at peragimus@90thidpg.us and tell us a little about yourself.
If you'd like even more information, please check out the following and then take a look at our Articles and our Photo section.
About the 90thIDPG
Membership Philosophy and Details