90th Infantry Division History & Research

After Action Report - October 1944




The end of September found the 90th Division together with elements of the 5th Inf Div and 3rd Cav Sq containing the western half of FORTRESS METZ.  The dispositions of the Division were generally as follows:

  1. 357th Inf with Co A, 315th Engr Bn and 90th Rcn Tr attached, held the  MOSELLE R Line from UCKANGE S to TALANGE with the remainder of the regiment on the E-W line from TALANGE to ST PRIVAT exclusive.
  2. TASK FORCE RANDOLPH, comprising the 712th Tk Bn (-3 Med Cos in support of Inf Regts), and B Co 315th Engr Bn, with elements of the 607th TD Bn in direct support defended the triangle ST PRIVAT - ST MARINE – HABONVILLE, connecting on the left and right respectively with the 357th and 359th Infs.
  3. 359th Inf held a N-S line from a point 600 yds W of AMNVILERS S to cut the road from GRAVELOTTE just W of ST HUBERT’S FARM. 
  4. The 3 Bns of the 358th Inf occupied assembly area in the towns of STE MARIE (1st), ST MARCEL (2nd), and VIONVILLE (3rd),  the first mentioned as Div Res.  L Co occupied GRAVLOTTE.
  5. Division CP was located at DONCOURT.


In the preceding two weeks, limited progress had been made in small scale attacks against the METZ defenses.  Planning continued meanwhile, for the eventual capture of GROUPE FORTFIE JEANNE D’ARC subsequent to the reduction of FORT DRIANT by the 2nd Bn, 11th Inf.

On the remainder of the XX Corps front, the 5th Inf Div maintained its bridgehead across the MOSELLE S of METZ while the 83rd Inf Div, reinforced, connecting with the 90th at UCKANGE, patrolled the line of the MOSELLE and SAUER N to contact with the VIII Corps (Ninth Army).

1 OCT 44

358th Inf, previously on a 1 hour alert status for employment in the XII Corps zone, was released to the Division.

359th Inf effected redispositions, thinning the front line garrison and replacing the 3rd Bn with elements of the 1st.

Patrolling, training in assault tactics and rehabilitation continued. 

2 OCT 44

No special activity on the Division front.

357th Inf, assigned the mission of capturing the high ground NW of MAIZIERES-LES-METZ, as a prelude to the assault of the town itself, made necessary the redisposition to gather sufficient force to launch the attack. 

TASK FORCE RANDOLPH was dissolved and TASK FORCE SUNDT (Troops: 607th TD Bn (-), Co B, 315th Engr Bn, and Co A plus Assault Gun Plat, 712th Tk Bn), assumed same mission within present boundaries effective 1330.  712th Tk Bn (-) was placed in Div Res.

3 OCT 44

357th Inf attacked at 0430 with C and G Cos and gained the N portion of a huge slag pile NW of MAIZIERES against slight resistance.  Y midday they had driven S to control the entire heights and dominate enemy positions in the town.  Enemy reaction manifested itself in an attack in company strength against G Co at 2100.  The fight continued until midnight when the Boche withdrew with heavy losses.

358th Inf:

2nd Bn, per Corps order, was moved at 1500 to GORZE prepared to prevent an enemy breakthrough around the flanks of the 2nd Bn, 11th Inf (now assaulting FORT DRIANT) and / or to relieve the 2nd Bn, 11th Inf after that  unit had completed reduction of FORT DRIANT.  Its employment could be ordered by Corps only.  Eco was subsequently moved at midnight to a position 2500 yards NE of GORZE on alert status.

Elsewhere in the Division zone, construction of shelters, improved battery positions and fort mockups continued.  Patrol activity was stepped up as German fire and movement decreased.

4 OCT 44

357th Inf consolidated positions newly won by the 2nd Bn and continued plans for the assault on MAIZIERES.

358th Inf:

1st Bn, still earmarked as Corps Res, moved to the vicinity of ST MARCEL to occupy reserve area vacated by the 2nd Bn.

Training and rehabilitation continued in all units.

5 OCT 44

XX Corps ordered the originally prescribed boundary between the 83rd  and 90th Inf Divs into effect as of 06 1200 Oct.  The net result of the delimitation of our N boundary was the release of E Co, 357th Inf and Co A, 315th Engr Bn now garrisoning UCKANGE and RICHEMONT, respectively.

Activity within the Division zone was limited to patrols, harassing fire and training.

2nd Bn, 358th Inf remained on alert status at GORZE prepared to occupy FORT DRAINT after its reduction.  Meanwhile, the attack itself, now under the direction of a special task force headquarters was making no appreciable progress.

6 OCT 44

357th Inf:

E Co was relieved at UCKANGE at 0645 by elements of 3rd Cav Gp; relief of Co A, 315th Engr Bn was completed at 1145 and that company reverted to battalion control.  1st Bn attacked to gain the S edge of the BOIS DE L’ABBE to protect the right flank of the 2nd Bn and secured its objective at 1830.

Support aviation bombed WOIPFY, MAIZIERES and AMELANGE FARM by way of preparation for the following day’s attack.

7 OCT 44

357th Inf:

The 2nd Bn plan for the assault of MAIZIERES LES METZ was generally as follows:

  1. F Co from position on the S edge of the slag pile to support the attack by fire; thereafter to relieve E Co in northern half of town;
  2. E Co from forward assembly position between BOIS DE L’ABBE and the slag pile to attack due E, S of the slag pile to cut the town in two; block to the S and mop up the northern half;
  3. G Co to follow E Co E to RR tracks; then turn S and capture factory area.


At 0500 the Boche garrison debouched from the town and assaulted F Co position up the steep barren slopes of the slag pile.  F Co quickly repulsed the effort, massacring the Boche with the coordinated fires of infantry weapons and artillery.  Conceivably it was a desperate attempt to stall our attack but it went for naught since it was directed at the holding force and completely missed the assault company.

E Co moved off on schedule and catching the Boche on the rebound overran the Northern half of town.  But the prosecution of the attack southward was a different matter.  Mines in profusion, dogged house to house resistance and heavy artillery fire slowed the assault to snail like progress. By dark the battalion was in possession of the factory area and the western portion of town but otherwise had registered but negligible additional gains.

Elsewhere on the Div front there was little activity.  2nd Bn, 358th Inf remained in the GORZE area prepared to back up the 5th Div’s Task Force Warnock (3 Inf Bns with Engr, TD & Tk atchmts) which had been stopped at FORT DRIANT.

8 OCT 44

357th Inf:

During the night the Boche moved the greater portion of a battalion into MAIZIERES LES METZ.  This latter force attacked out positions in town at 0600, but was repulsed without gain.  Although the Boche was defeated in this encounter he hung on grimly to his portion of the town and consequently the southward advance of the 2nd Bn was tediously slow.

Units not in the line continued training and rehabilitation.  Units engaged set up additional Ops, kept patrols constantly probing and consumed the meager ammunition allowance harassing the German position.

9 – 10 OCT 44

During this period the attack against MAIZIERES progressed slowly S with 1 Co only in the assault.  A series of demonstrations were conducted by the Inf Regts in the assault of pillboxes with the idea of developing the best possible technique. 

10 Oct was highlighted by the brief visit by the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General George C. Marshall accompanied by Lt General Patton, CG Third Army and Lt General Handy, Chief of OPD.

11 OCT 44

The type of resistance encountered by the 2nd Bn, 357th Inf in MAIZIERES-LES-METZ made it clear that a complete Bn of that Regt would have to be freed of other missions to prosecute a general assault.  Such a redisposition however was impracticable in view of the extended frontage of the Regt.  Consequently the decision was made to temporarily attach the 3rd Bn, 358th Inf to the 357th Inf to relieve the 3rd Bn of the latter unit.  Simultaneously the 359th Inf was directed to relieve prior to 2130, I Co of the 358th Inf then occupying GRAVELOTTE.

3rd Bn, 358th Inf, less I Co, entrucked at VIONVILLE and moved by motor to MALANCOURT, arriving at 1700 and assembling there for the night.  I Co 358th Inf was relieved by A Co, 359th Inf in GRAVELOTTE at 2050 and marched to VIONVILLE preparatory to further movement to MALANCOURT the following morning.

Two important directives received from XX Corps at 2115:

  1. 83rd Inf Div on the N flank of the Corps passed to control of Ninth Army in place.  TF Polk composed of 3rd Cav Gp (3rd & 43rd Cav Sqs), 135th Engr Bn, 807th TD Bn and Groupe Tactique Lorraine (2 partial strength French Regts) attacked to the 90th Inf Div at 11 2400.  The order specified that TF Polk was to be employed in place for the protection of the N flank of the Corps from RICHEMONT to BASSE KONTZ both inclusive.
  2. 2nd Bn, 358th Inf previously earmarked as Corps Res was released to Div control as of 12 0800.  Simultaneouly the Div right boundary was extended southward to include the area S of GRAVELOTTE presently held by the 3rd Cav Sq.


In conformity with the 2nd of the above messages the 358th Inf was directed to relieve, with not to exceed one Bn, the 3rd Cav Sq on its present line prior to 13 0001 and to maintain contact with the 359th Inf on the left (N) and 3rd Bn, 2nd Inf on the right (S).  2nd Bn, 358th Inf (now at GORZE) was released to Regtl control effective 12 0800.

12 OCT 44

All planned redispositions were accomplished without incident on this day; 3rd Bn, 358th Inf completed relief 3rd Bn, 357th Inf at 0900; 2nd Bn 358th Inf moved from GORZE to assembly area vicinity VIONVILLE closing 1730; 3rd Bn, 357th Inf relieved 2nd at MAZIERES at 2050, the latter assembling at ROMRAS for a brief period of rehabilitation and rest.  1st Bn 358th Inf relieved 3rd Cav Sq on line at 2220.  3rd Cav Sq assembled for the night in rear of the 1st Bn preparatory to movement to the Z of TF Polk.  

To adequately cover the extended flanks of the Div, arrangements were made with XX Corps Arty for the assignment of one light and one medium Arty Bn to support TF Polk and two medium Bns to support 1st Bn, 358th inf.

13 – 17 OCT 44

357th Inf:

The all-out assault on MAIZIERES was relegated to the discard in view of an Army order freezing ammunition above 3”.  In leiu thereof the Regt converted MAIZIERES into a practical training ground  for house to house fighting.  3rd Bn for these 5 days assaulted with never more than 1 Co and usually with 1 Plat; each step was deliberately calculated and purposely slow, but a definite technique was being developed – a technique which was to pay off at the close of the month.

Elsewhere within the Regt patrolling, planned harassing fires and positions improvement were continued.  A Regtl rest camp was organized at ROMBAS equipped accommodate a Bn at a time.

On the 17th the 1st Bn relieved the 3rd Bn, 358th Inf and the latter was released to its parent unit.

358th Inf:

Generally inactive during this period; holding the line with 2 Bns plus 1 Co.  The remaining Bn continued training in the vicinity of BAGNEUX FARM. Regt continued rotation of front line units and the operation of Regtl rest camp at AUBOUE.

On the Div N flank TF Polk continued patrolling on the W bank of the MOSELLE R within Zone.  Groupe Tactique Lorraine was returned to control of the French Government on 16 Oct.  1 Co 135th Engr Bn occupied THIONVILLE with 3rd and 43rd Cav Sqs covering the remainder of the Zone S and N respectively, of that town.

The freezing of Arty ammunition greatly complicated the problem of Arty support but at the same time gave fully play to American ingenuity.  The organization finally developed exploiting captured guns and ammunition generally as follows:

357th Sector:
1 Co, 609th TD Bn       )
2 Plats, 607th TD Bn    ) Under 343rd FA Bn
2 Plats, 712th Tk Bn     )
4 88’s (German)           Under 282nd FA Bn
3 105’s (German)         Under 345th FA Bn
1 4.2” Cml Mortar Co    Under 357th Inf.

358th Sector:
1 Co, 609th TD Bn                 )
3 100’s (French)                     ) Under 344th FA Bn
2 Plats, Co A, 712th Tk Bn    )

359th Sector:
1 Co, 609th TD Bn              )
1 Plat, Co A. 712th Tk Bn  ) Under 915th FA Bn
1 4.2” Cml Mortar Co          ) Under 359th Inf

Task Force Sundt:
2 Plats, Co B, 712th Tk Bn
2 Plats, Co B, 607th TD Bn

Task Force Polk
807th TD Bn

On 15 Oct, Maj Gen McLain was advanced to command of XIX Corps and the following day turned over command to Brig Gen Van Fleet who had arrived to succed him as CG 90th Inf Div.


18 OCT 44

95th Inf Div, newly assigned to XX Corps, initiated relief of the 5th Inf Div in the bridgehead E of the MOSELLE R.  5th Inf Div began assembly vicinity of PIENNES for a ten day training program.  The Corps planned the eventual relief of the 90th Inf Div by the 5th to afford the former an equivalent rest.

2nd Bn, 358th Inf relieved by 1615 by the 3rd Bn, 2nd Inf in the Zone extending from right flank 1st Bn, 358th Inf SE to NOVEANT where contact was established with the left of the 379th Inf on the MOSELLE.  The Div Zone was now some 57 Kms in width – perhaps a record under conditions of close contact with enemy in strength.

At Corps plans were developing for the continuation of the offensive.  All hands were now in unanimous agreement that direct assault of METZ was out of the question.  Enveloping being indicated, the problem became one for Army to coordinate.  Meanwhile the newly arrived 10th Armd Div initiated assembly W of MARS LA TOURS as the fourth Div in the Corps.

19 – 22 OCT 44

During this period, thanks to favorable weather, close support fighter bombers stepped up attacks against installations in the METZ area, striking, at Div request, CPs, supply points, communications and troop concentrations. 

The prospect of spending the winter before METZ gave rise to instructions designed to dispel the inactivity attendant upon position warfare.  Patrolling, both day and night, was accelerated partly as a training medium but more especially to develop in greater detail the contours of the Boche’s defense line.  A program of planned fire utilizing all weapons to the maximum was initiated.  Reserve units pushed training in the apropos subjects of mines, night operations, assault detachment technique and physical conditioning.  Each Regt was by this time running a rest camp for a minimum of 1 Co on a 48 hour basis.

The situation in MAIZIERES-LES-METZ continued to be definitely sticky.  3rd Bn, 357th Inf positioned a 155mm SP gun in the factory area to engage ready targets.

23 – 25 OCT 44

The entire Div front was inactive except for arty exchanges, patrol actions and harassing fires.

Division ordered several readjustments of unit zones and the end that 1 Inf Bn per Regt might be released for training and rehabilitation.  These readjustments as outlined below, were completed by midday 25 Oct.

  1. 1st Bn, 358th Inf extended northward and relieved 359th Inf vicinity GRAVELOTTE.
  2. 359th Inf extended northward 200 yds and relieved elements of TF Sundt convering draw leading E from HABONVILLE to AMMANVILLERS.  Regt redisposed to occupy line with 2 Bns.
  3. TF Sundt was augmented by Co C, plus 1 Plat, Co A, 315th Engr Bn and 4 – 80mm German mortars.  Co-incident with this increase in strength, TF Sundt was assigned responsibility for the area occupied by the 1st Bn, 357th Inf, less its left Co.
  4. 2nd Bn, 357th Inf extended westward to relieve the left Co, 1st Bn.


MAIZIERES, although worthless itself, possessed importance in that it sat squarely astride the most direct and best protected route to METZ; moreover its capture would threaten German supply routes to the north forts.  The joint occupation of the town by Americans and Germans for a prolonged period was disappointing to higher headquarters.  XX Corps secured an ammunition allowance which it promptly earmarked for the 90th Div for the reduction of that town.  Division promptly issued instructions to 357th Inf to capture the town at the earliest practicable moment, while containing enemy in remainder of Zone with minimum force.  Target date for completion of operation was set at 2 Nov.

26 OCT 44

XX Corps issued for study and planning at Div level their basic plan for the reduction of METZ as the first phase of a far reaching drive.  Basically the plan involved:

  1. 95th Inf Div, attacking in conjunction with XII Corps, to encircle METZ from the S.
  2. 5th Inf Div, operating from present 90th Div Zone, to contain enemy salient initially, prepared to assault on order.
  3. 90th Inf Div, making Corps main effort, to cross MOSELLE NE of THIONVILLE, establish bridgehead and drive S to contact 95th Div, completing encirclement of METZ.
  4. 10th Armd Div and 3rd Cav Gp (Reinf) to pass through left (E) of 90th Div bridgehead and attack S, SE and E.

In the 357th Inf Zone, elements of K Co made the second assault on the strongly fortified city hall of MAIZIERES, a building which eventually became the symbol of that battle scarred town.  Entry was forced through the wall of the building with 5 PsW taken, but the enemy blocked the corridors with burning mattresses.  Shortly thereafter the Boche counterattacked with flame throwers, forcing the detachment to withdraw.

27 OCT 44

357th Inf continued probing in MAIZIERES form the N to set the stage for the main attack which was to hit due W from the factory area.  Four 10 man assault detachments attacked the city hall from four directions after a thorough mortar preparation.  Three detachments were denied entrance by mines and thickly piled barbed wire concertinas which blocked doorways and windows.  The 4th group entered the building through a wall breached by the 155 mm SP.  Inside the detachment met bitter hand to hand fighting which caused 9 casualties,  The wounded withdrew under the covering fire of the remaining soldier, who refused all German demands for surrender. 

1st Plat, A Troops, 43rd Cav Sq, was attacked in MANOM by a numerically superior Boche combat patrol which hit the outpost at the SE corner of town.  Counterattack plans had contemplated such an occurrence and were rapidly put into execution.  The Boches, disorganized by entanglements with our minefields, were shattered by the weight of the platoon’s counterattack and withdrew, leaving an abundance of weapons and equipment.

Instructions were issued by XX Corps directing relief of 90th Div by 5th Div and infantry elements, 10th Armd Div by midnight 02 – 03 Nov.  90th Inf Div, upon relief was to assemble in the vicnity AUDUN – PIENNES for rest, rehabilitation and training.

28 OCT 44

Maintaining pressure from the N, Co C attacked at 1530 and captured a block of buildings E of the city hall in MAIZIERES.  Our own Arty had nearly destroyed the houses and the heavy German mortar and arty fires which fell immediately after our troops moved in, completed the job.  Cellars being non-existent, the area became untenable and the Co withdrew but retained control by fire.  With the enemy thus diverted B, I, and L Cos moved into the factory area in preparation for the following morning’s assault.  Meanwhile the Corps Arty poured 8” and 240mm How shells into the city hall creating widespread damage.  The attack plans had been well developed and firmly coordinated; any reasonable breaks would assure success.

Details of the relief and movement of the Div were worked out in detail and co-ordinated with all concerned.  The attached 3rd Cav Gp (Reinf), 614th TD Bn, 607th TD Bn and 282nd FA Bn were to be left inplac eunder Corps or 5th Inf Div control.

29 OCT 44

The assault of MAIZIERES was launched promptly at 0730 without Arty preparation, affecting complete surprise.  At 0715, the enemy apparently worried by activity in the factory, delivered a terrific mortar barrage on the railway tracks and canal which lay between the factory and the town proper.  This barrage, however, lifted at H-Hour and the assault troops drove forward rapidly, traversed the open space and succeeding in overrunning the near portions of town before the Boche could react. 

With C Co maintaining pressure from the N and B, I and L Cos, in order from N to S, assaulting abreast from the W, the Boches were confronted by  the fully developed power of 4 Cos and were driven back in confusion.  Effective arty support and flank machine guns blocked escape routes to the E and S and hemmed him into an increasingly small area.  By noon, 3 complete city blocks had been capture with the momentup of the attack continually rising.

B and I Cos thrust straight through the town by 1600 had reached the E edge, cutting the German garrison in two.  L Co and A Co (which had been swung around from the N to follow B Co) widened the breech to the S and N respectively.  The Boches remaining alive, disorganized by the onslaught, began surrendering in groups.  By dark the 357th Inf controlled all the town except the city hall area; a demolished section at the S end and a block of buildings which C Co had captured and relinquished the preceeding day.

Elsewhere in the Div Zone, there was little activity by us and no reaction from the Boche.

30 OCT 44

At 0600, Co B, 357th Inf enveloped from the S and E the buildings confronting C Co and secured them.  A combat patrol from I Co moved S through the destroyed section of town and secured the cemetery, overrunning a German mortar platoon.  At 1100, troops closed in  on the city hall and found only dead inside.  Patrols moved SE from town and re[ported the Chateau and woods 1 Km away clear of enemy.  The capture of MAIZIERES was complete.

In this operation the Regt killed or captured the equivalent of an infantry battalion at the cost of 55 casualties.  Moreover, we were now in position to threaten his supply route to the N forts and exploit the best approach and to his inner defenses.  The success of the operation was attributable to a number of reasons, each considered worthy of mention hereinafter:

  1. Careful Detail Planning. – The movement of troops to forward assembly areas was carefully regulated and cloaked in secrecy.  Each leader, from squad leader up, had ample time for personnel reconnaissance.  Each squad or half squad had a specific mission (s) and knew, to the man, its route and method of approach.
  2. Fully exploited Base of Fire and Integrated Fire Plan.  – All infantry supporting weapons, as well as Tanks and TDs, were in position prepared to fire on all planned concentrations as well as on targets of opportunity.
  3. Dynamic Leadership. – All officers led their units into the fight while seconds-in-command pushed from the rear.  Rapidity of movement throughout  held down casualties.
  4. Artillery Support. – Excellent throughout the attack.  During the afternoon 29 Oct, 8” and 240mm Hows adjusted on and destroyed the city hall (75 yds from the front line troops). Remarkable Shooting!  Moreover the Arty destroyed practically all booby traps and mines.  Finally it denied the enemy that freedom of movement which prevented him from shifting troops to meet our strength.


During the late afternoon, 1st Bn took over all MAIZIERES, releasing the 3rd Bn for movement to ROMBAS and Regl Res.

31 OCT 44

Shortly after midnight, XX Corps issued instructions radically altering the relief plans.  95th Inf Div would be relieved by 5th Inf Div in bridgehead of MOSELLE and in turn relieve 90th Inf Div within present Zone S to GRAVELOTTE exclusive – both reliefs to be completed by 02 2400A Nov.  10th Armd Div was directed to relieve the 358th Inf by the same hour.

The Boche received only secondary consideration this dya, while reconnaissance of assembly area, arrangements for revised schedule of relief and movement of Div was pushed with all possible speed. 

October was a month of waiting – waiting for supplies and reinforcing troops.  Only negligible gains had been made against the METZ fortifications.  But the Div was at full strength; it had tried leaders in all echelons; it had “shaken down” through all echelons.  In short, it was ready for the operation which was to add fresh laurel to its already notable battle record. 





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