90th Infantry Division History & Research

After Action Report - September 1944



The opening of the month of September found the 90th Inf Div out of contact with the enemy, occupying a bridgehead line, with the mission of protecting the city of REIMS from enemy attack from the N and NE. The bulk of XX Corps, to which this Division was then assigned, was consolidating its REUSE R Bridgehead in the VERDUN area. Indications pointed to the detachment of the Division from XX Corps and its assignment to XV Corps, when the latter became operational in the Third Army area; the Division was prepared, however, to rejoin XX Corps on short notice. Meanwhile on the left, (W) of the Division, VII Corps had moved through SOISSONS and swung to the E on the N bank of the AISNE R.

Dispositions of the Division were as follows:

a. 358th Inf occupied the right sector of the bridgehead line extending from PROSNES to VARNERSVILLE where it made contact with the 359th Inf.

b. 359th Inf extended from the left of the 358th Inf N and NW to NEUFACHATEL.

c. 357th Inf moved on 1 Sept from positions W of the 359th Inf, now covered by the advance of the VII Corps, to an assembly area in the vicinity of BERRU.

d. Remainder of the Division was disposed centrally in the rear of two front line regiments with Division CP at FORT BRIMONT.

pursuant to a Corps directive, a Battalion Combat Team of the 359th Inf (3rd Bn) moved NE and occupied a line from RETHEN to ATTIGNY inclusive, to deny the enemy the AISNE R crossings in that area.

Co I 358th Inf, reinforced and motorized, moved S from REIMS to investigate a will-o'-the-wisp FFI report of enemy activity in the CONGY - TALUS area.

2 SEPT 44

CT 357 was placed on an alert status as Corps Res.

The entire Third Army was immobilized as the increasing gasoline shortage assumed critical proportions. Preliminary arrangements were made at the Army level for the air supply of gasoline. 315th Engr Bn initiated and completed the repair work necessary on the REIMS airport to permit its utilization by transport planes.

3 SEPT 44

The Division less 1 CT, was alerted for motorized movement to the E to extend the N flank of the VERDUN bridgehead. CT 9 was to remain in the REIMS area to protect the bridgehead on a greatly foreshortened line. The necessary plans for the movement of the Division and redisposition of CT 9 were completed but immediate movement was out of the question in view of the gasoline shortage.

4 SEPT 44

The day passed without incident, except for the arrival of sufficient gasoline to move CT 7, reinforced, and 90th Rcn Tr the following day to the Verdun arose.

5 SEPT 44

CT 7 Moved by motor from reserve area to occupy with two Battalions an extended position E and NE of ETRIN pending arrival of the remainder of the Division. 2nd Bn 357th Inf with Co C, 712th Tk Bn attached was diverted from the route of march in the ARGONNE FOREST to secure a large enemy ammunition dump S of CORRUPT and liquidate enemy resistance in that area. The ammunition dump, aggregating 30,000 tons, was promptly secured and demined and some 50 Germans flushed N and E into the hands of FFI groups which had been containing the wooded area around its perimeter. This operation lasted the entire day and the Battalion remained in position there overnight.

90th Rcn Tr moved E, crossing the AISNE R at VOUZIERS, and then S toward VERDUn. Arriving in the Division area it established, per pre-arranged plan, a line of outposts to protect the N flank of the Division area.

Meanwhile the availability of extra fuel permitted motorized movement of the 3rd Bn 358th Inf to an assembly area in the zone of action prescribed for the 358th Inf.

The CT earmarked by Corps for protection of the REIMS bridgehead was relieved form that mission and all preparations were made for the movement on 6 Sept of all elements of the DIvision to the ETAIN area.

6 SEPT 44

The Division made its shuttle move to the bridgehead area in remarkably expeditious style in spite of the absence of road priorities. All elements had closed by dark.

XX Corps resumed the attack at 1400, with a long range objective of capturing the city of FRANKFURT deep in Germany. The advance was to be again led by the 7th Armd Div advancing on a broad front and closely followed by the 5th and 90th Infs abreast with the latter on the left. The advance of the 90th Div was to be initiated as soon as the columns of the 7th Armd Div had gained sufficient headway. Division set a tentative H-Hour for the initiation of the advance at 07 0800.

The specific missions assigned the 90th Div were:
a. Advance in zone behind elements of the 7th Armd Div.
b. Destroy all enemy within zone.
c. Capture THIONVILLE and establish bridgehead over the MOSELLE
d. In conjunction with 43rd Cav Sq, protect N flank of Corps.
e. Maintain contact with V Corps.

The enemy had been given a breathing spell while we were immobilized for want of gasoline. He, the Boche, had been faced west on the threat of death on the line of the MOSELLE and was in force to our front and our North. The Division zone was 30 odd Kms in width. We were faced with two alternatives; (1) we could advance deliberately on a wide front, clearing zone as we advanced or (2) we could drive a wedge rapidly in the direction of THIONVILLE. The Division adopted the former plan. V Corps, with whom we were to maintain contact, was 60 Kms to our rear and the enemy was in between. To further complicate the Division's problem it was soon ascertained that no elements of the 7th Armd Div were operating in our zone.

7 SEPT 44

In the early hours of the morning a German reconnaissance in force moving S from LONGUYON drove elements of the 90th Rcn Tr out of the town of SPINCOURT and presented a serious threat to the left flank of the Division. The 358th Inf was ordered to retake the town in the morning at daylight, utilizing not to exceed 1 Bn. Meanwhile Div Arty concentrated its fire on the town. At daylight 90th Rcn Tr pushed reconnaissance elements into SPINCOURT and reported that the enemy had withdrawn to the N after receiving heavy Arty fire.

The Div attack order called for the capture of the high ground W of the MOSELLE R as a preliminary operation to the capture of THIONVILLE and forcing of a bridgehead across the MOSELLE River.

357th Inf, operating on the right of the Division, advanced at 0900 on the general axis ETAIN - DRIEY, the 1st Bn on the left, 3rd Bn on the right, 2nd Bn following in trace of 3rd Bn. The 1st Bn moving cross-country, advancing without opposition to the TRIEUX - AVRIL road, occupied Hill 313 and pushed reconnaissance to the E towards the regimental objective. The 3rd Bn encountered enemy resistance W of BRIEY which it dispersed after a sharp fight. It then swung to the NE, marching on AVRIL, while the 2nd Bn continued the advance on the town of BRIEY proper, with the intention of leaving one company there as a flank block when it to veered to the NE in accordance with the Regtl plan. However a sharp fight developed on the W outskirts of BRIEY and the 2nd Bn made only slight progress for the remainder of the day. Prisoner reports indicated that the heights of the town were garrisoned by a complete German battalion. By nightfall the 1st and 3rd Bns had linked up at AVIRL prepared for continuation of the advance the following day.

358th Inf marched through the 1st Bn on SPINCOURT at daylight. The 3rd Bn followed by the 2nd Bn advanced at 0900 on the axis LANDRES - FONTOY. Slight resistance was met and brushed aside at MOVU, but the advance od the 3rd Bn was blocked in the woods to the E thereof. Because of the difficulty of movement through the woods, they were by-passed to the S by both the 2nd and 3rd Bns and the advance continued in the direction of TRIEUX. Some 100 yds W of TRIEUX both the 3rd and 2nd Bns were heavily engaged by the enemy from the high ground W and N of that town. Meanwhile the 1st Bn, after relief of the 1st Bn 359th Inf, was moved by motor to the vicinity of MAIRY W of the leading two battalions. From this point it dispatched 1 company to contain, from the S, the enemy in the woods which had previously blocked the advance of the 3rd Bn.

359th Inf advanced in Division reserve, echeloned to the left rear of the 358th with the mission of protecting the N flank of the Div. 1st Bn 359th Inf relieved 1st Bn 358th Inf at SPINCOURT with one company and was given the addition mission of blocking the approaches to the Division area from the N as our advance to the E continued. By nightfall the remainder of the regiment, leap-frogging the 1st Bn, had closed in assembly area NE of LANDRES and had established outposts to the N and NE.

90th Rcn Tr had newly attached Tr B, 43rd Cav Sq operated throughout that day N and NE of infantry elements. Enemy resistance prevented their movement as afar N as the Division left boundary.

Division CP moved just prior to dark to an exposed position W of the town of MAIRY.

8 SEPT 44

Shortly after dark 7 Sept the newly formed and newly equipped 106th Panzer Brigade moved S through AUMETZ and, utilizing side roads, penetrated the Division zone. Whether this unit had for its mission a reconnaissance in force, a raid or the relief of the garrison at BRIEY has never been accurately determined. The net effect of the foray, at the cost of complete destruction, was to enforce a day's delay of the advance of the 90th Division.

The route of the 106th took them through the middle of the Division CP area. A considerable portion of the column had cleared the crossroad S of the Division CP when they were discovered and fired upon by local security elements about 0300. The Germans returned the fire promptly and vigorously and caused casualties within the Signal Company and Division Artillery Headquarters. But confused by the presence of our troops in this unexpected quarter, the column halted and consequently lost contact with those elements who had already moved through. A company of 712th Tk Bn was moved into the Division CP area to be in a position to counter any action on the part of the Boche and / or to destroy them in place at first light. Immediately W of the Division CP and attack N in conjunction with the 1st Bn 358th Inf to destroy the hostile force. 1st Bn 358th Inf was directed to move from MAIRY W to DIvision Artillery CP, relieve pressure there, and attack to the N on the right and in conjunction with the 2nd Bn 359th Inf. At first light the Division Headquarters displaced to HINGY, opening a temporary CP at that location in conjunction with 359th Inf. Division Artillery Headquarters, which had borne the brunt of the enemy night fire and was almost completely encircled by German troops, coolly evacuated itself on foot southward to the CP of the 358th Inf.

359th Inf:
2nd Bn marched S through LANDRES dropping off AT and TD elements at that time location and reached Division CP shortly after daylight, where it teamed with 712th Tk Bn and made preparations to reverse its direction and attack generally N to the town of BONVILLERS. It launched its attack at noon and by mid afternoon had reached BONVILLERS. The elements left at LANDRES intercepted and destroyed 7 enemy tanks, a part of a force which had cleared S through the CP and turned W only to find themselves at daybreak cut-off from the rest of their unit. They had attempted to break back out to AUDUN only to meet annihilation at LANDRES. Other elements of their particular group were destroyed by Corps TDs further to the W. Meanwhile the 3rd Bn was moved a short distance S thus cutting the LANDRES - AUDUN road midway between those two towns. It also intercepted and destroyed Panzer elements. The situation in the 359th Inf area had been clarified sufficiently by mid afternoon so that regiment could be reoriented to the NE in preparation for an advance on AUDUN.

358th Inf:
1st Bn had been ordered to attack W and N in conjunction with 2nd Bn 359th Inf. However they were heavily engaged at MAIRY itself by those elements of the 106th Panzer Brigade, which finding their advance blocked at the Division CP, had driven E on the road to MAIRY. In the engagement which lasted throughout the day the 1st Bn captured or destroyed 7 tanks an 43 halftracks and took 125 prisoners. When it became apparent that the 1st Bn could not participate in the attack originally planned, the 2nd Bn was ordered to execute the original mission of the 1st Bn. However the 2nd Bn and 3rd Bns were so heavily engaged in front of TRIEUK that no elements could be disengaged. As it developed, 1st Bn had eliminated all enemy resistance in the MAINY area by 1800 and was able to move N to join 2nd Bn 359th Inf per original plan.

357th Inf:
1st Bn had been started E from Hill 313 toward NBEUFCHEF but had been recalled by Division in the light of developments in other sectors of the Division area. Shortly after re-establishment on Hill 313, a German battalion supported by tanks, attacked W toward the unoccupied hill immediately N of the 1st Bn position. Unobserved , and withholding their fire until the German advance had exposed the flank of the entire column, all weapons took up a murderous fire of artillery, mortar, MG and flat trajectory cannon which in a space of very few minutes annihilated the force. Those few remaining were quickly taken prisoners. The 2nd Bn committing all three companies, surrounded BRIEY on three sides and forced the surrender of the German garrison upwards of 300 men. 3rd Bn remained at AVRIL connecting up the two flank battalions.

90th Rcn Tr was badly handled just short of AUDUN by a German tank force.

The Division gained no appreciable amount of ground this day but it had completely destroyed the 106th Panzer outfit and captured, intact, a Battalion of the newly committed 559th Division. At the conclusion of the day's fight, the Division had captured or destroyed 30 tanks, 60 half-tracks, and an estimated 100 miscellaneous vehicles and had captured 764 prisoners. PW reports and captured documents gave strong indications that 106th was the vanguard of a much larger force moving S through ESC and the Division was alerted to repel a strong attack during the night or following day.

9 SEPT 44

The anticipated counterattack did not materialize and by mid-morning the Division was prepared for the resumption of the attack.

359th Inf:
2nd Bn cleared the woods E and NE of BONVILLERS and captured ADUN against slight opposition at 1600. 3rd Bn, after capture of AUDUN, skirted the NW edge of that town and occupied the high ground to the N. By this maneuver it had placed itself in the rear of those enemy elements still at FILLERES and the intervening woods. Shortly after 200 Germans debouched from the woods in front of that high ground and promptly were slaughtered by our fire. 1st Bn in Regimental Reserve, closed on the rear of the 2nd Bn just SW of AUDUN.

358th Inf
3rd Bn attacked at 1100 and seized TRIEUX. The advance was continued from TRIEUX to FONTOY which was captured with the aid of tanks after a stiff fight. The 1st Bn attacked NE on the left of the 3rd Bn, captured SANCY and halted for the night astride the road connecting AUDUN and FONTOY. 2nd Bn in regimental reserve moved to TRIEUX.

357th Inf
357th Inf was initially held in place pending developments in the left sector. After the occupation of TRIEUX by the 358th Inf, 1st Bn advanced to the E and seized the high ground vicinity of NEUFCHEF which commanded a considerable portion of he Division zone E as far as the MOSELLE R. 2nd and 3rd Bns remained in place at BRIEY and AVRIL respectively.

In the south of the Corps zone the 5th Inf Div had pushed a precarious bridgehead across the MOSELLE R in the vicinity of COREY but was unable to reinforce it. Further N the 2nd Inf Regt and elements of the 7th Armd Div were making next to no progress N of METZ. What was originally assumed to be stout rear guard action on the part of the enemy soon disclosed itself as organized defensive positions. Our elements were infact hammering on the outer fringe of FORTRESS METZ which the enemy had decided to hold. On our N flank the 43rd Cav Sq had established initial contact with elements of the V corps in the vicinity of MONTMEDY.

10 SEPT 44

357th Inf
1st Bn advanced with slight opposition N to MAYANGE, a sizeable industrial town in the gorge between Division Objectives 2 and 3. The leading company cleared the town and was well up on the side slopes of the eminence to the N when a German column re-entered the town from the E. This force was liquidated after a considerable fight. Shortly before dark the company on the high ground N of the town was counterattacked and driven back. 2nd Bn, relieved at BRIEY by Co A 315th Engr Bn, moved eastward through thick country and occupied the regimental objective. 3rd Bn remained at AVRIL.

358th Inf closed in the FONTOY area as a preliminary to further advance. 1st Bn moved NE and occupied ANGEVILLERS preparatory to the attack on the high ground NW of THIONVILLE. 3rd Bn advanced in mid afternoon and occupied ALGRANGE, a town in the gorge NW of and adjacent to LAYANGE. From that point it launched an assault up precipitous slopes to secure a foothold on the dominating plateau which marked the W extremity of Division Objective No. 2. Its advance was fiercely resisted by the Boche entrenched high up on the slopes. The fight was joined at close quarters but the Germans held firm and at darkness the Battalion was still short of its objective. During the night the Boche withdrew.

359th Inf attacked NE at 0700 and by 1400 had secured all assigned objectives. The 2nd and 3rd Bns advanced in a coordinated effort and secured AUMETZ and the high ground to the N and W thereof. The Maginot defenses in this area were unmanned. 1st Bn following in their wake completed mop up of the large forest W of AUDUN. Motor patrols from the regiment entered the town of LONGWY with in LUXEMBOURG border and made fleeting contact with elements of V Corps.

90th Rcn Tr and the 43rd Cav Sq were enabled by the slacking German resistance to push their reconnaissance several miles beyond leading infantry elements, in the northern sector of the Div Zone.

11 SEPT 44

357th Inf
1st Bn recaptured the high ground N of LAYANGE and consolidated its position in that area. 2nd Bn shifted its position northward to occupy NORLANGE. E Co of that Battalion was dispatched late in the day to occupy FLORANGE and protect the right rear 3rd Bn 358th Inf. 3rd Bn sent strong patrols E to the MOSELLE R in the southern half of the regimental zone discovering that UCRANGE was strongly held and considerable German traffic was moving S along the river road.

358th Inf:
3rd Bn resumed attack at daylight and had seized the high ground E of VOLKRANGE by noon. 1st Bn attacked E from ANGEVILLERS on the heels of a bombing mission directed on the southern slopes of the objective. By nightfall the 1st Bn, advancing over rugged terrain and against determined resistance, was short of its objective but in an excellent position for the resumption of its attack on the morrow. 2nd Bn was moved to the vicinity of VOLKRANGE and started E through the corridor between 1st and 3rd Bn objectives, with the mission of capturing THIONVILLE. It made little progress.

359th Inf displaced E from AUMETZ to occupy a new reserve position NE of ANGEVILERS and in conjunction with the

90th Rcn Tr pushed reconnaissance eastward to GAVISSE.

By this time the V Corps had come abreast of the XX Corps and the 5th Armd Div was definitely determined to be close to the German border E of LUXEMBOURG. The covering of the previously extended left flank permitted the Division to reorient itself to the E. The nature of the MOSELLE R within our zone made desirable both from a technical and tactical standpoint, the forcing of the crossing N and E of THIONVILLE, perhaps at NALLING or even REMICH. From the Corps standpoint, however, a crossing in the immediate vicinity of THIONVILLE was required and our movements were consequently governed by this consideration.

In the S Corps sector the 5th Div had evacuated its initial bridgehead and had forced a more substantial crossing to the S thereof. Meanwhile in front of METZ itself, the 7th Armd Div made no progress against the perimeter of the METZ fortifications. Although the original plan contemplated our crossing in the THIONVILLE area and swinging S to link up with the remainder of the Corps E of METZ, the situation in the S Corps sector gave rise to the possibility that the Div might simply contain THIONVILLE with a minimum of force while the bulk moves S to assist in reducing the German salient.

12 SEPT 44

357th Inf :
2nd and 3rd Bns cleared the last remaining enemy resistance W of the MOSELLE with the 3rd Bn attacking and capturing UCKANGE. With the river line thus exposed, reconnaissance for crossing sites and to determine the character of the enemy resistance on the E bank was vigorously pushed.

358th Inf:
1st Bn completed occupation of the high ground NW of THIONVILLE. 3rd Bn remained in position sending one company to garrison the town of TERVILLE and furnish right flank protection for the advance of the 2nd Bn. 2nd Bn, continuing the attack down the alley, fought its way into THIONVILLE. By nightfall it had closed in a tight arc S and W of the bridge approach some 300 yards short thereof The advance of this battalion was considerably hampered by house to house defense, demolitions and road blocks within the town. In particular were the approaches to the bridge well barricaded.

359th Inf displaced again to the vicinity of HETTANGE GRANDE prepared for rapid movement to the E to seize that key terrain feature BASSE KONTZ, which dominated the area for miles around.

Visual reconnaissance of the E bank of the MOSELLE R by the 358th Inf had disclosed prepared positions and strong enemy garrisons. Report of our organic and attached Cavalry units operating in the direction of BASSE KONTZ revealed similar enemy strength E of the MOSELLE in this area. The mean of all intelligence reports placed at least an enemy division opposite us. As the Corps had disapproved the plan of crossing wide and E of THIONVILLE a direction was made to establish this bridgehead at THIONVILLE.

13 Sept 44

358th Inf:
2nd Bn assisted by the 1st Bn operating to its N, cleared THIONVILLE of enemy to the river, consolidating its position and immediately initiating reconnaissance for crossing sites. The single remaining bridge had been blown during the previous night.

359th Inf:
Dispatched 3rd Bn to FORET DE CATTENOM with the mission of patrolling to the river between MALLING and KIESELRAU, making an obvious display of force in that area.

90th Rcn Tr and 43rd Cav Sq continued reconnaissance toward the river line E and N of the 359th Inf. Although enemy elements prevented their actual approach to the river they were able to establish a series of CPs which kept both banks of the river under continuous surveillance.

The Division plan contemplated initiation of the bridgehead operation the following morning with the 358th Inf making the main effort crossing at THIONVILLE. 3rd Bn 357th Inf and 3rd Bn 359th Inf were prepared for the execution of feints in the vicinity of UCKANGE and CATTENOM respectively. That portion of THIONVILLE E of the MOSELLE was strongly garrisoned and the approaches difficult. Faced with a major operation in the face of strong resistance and because reconnaissance had been inadequate and plans incomplete, the Division Commander postponed the operation for 24 hours. The operation never materialized for XX Corps issued instructions shortly before midnight for the 90th Division to extend southward, relieving those elements of the 7th Armd Div and 5th Inf Div facing the German defenses W of METZ.

14 SEPT 44

The revised mission of the Division read as follows:

a. Contain THIONVILLE and vicinity with minimum force, vigorously patrolling line of the MOSELLE R within zone in conjunction with 43rd Cav Sq.

b. Relieve the 7th Armd Div within zone by 14 2000B. Priority of relieve to 2nd Inf Regt (at this time attached to 7th Armd Div). Relief in the form of coordinated attack to prevent disruption of position. Main effort on the S.

c. Attack 15 0715B to destroy enemy within zone W of the MOSELLE R.

358th Inf, (less 3rd Bn) reinforced by the 344th FA Bn, 1 Btry of 345th FA Bn, Co A 607th TD Bn, 1 Light and 1 Medium Plat 712th Tk Bn and Co B 315th Engr Bn, was left in the original zone of action with the mission of holding the river line from UCKANGE N to GARCHE inclusive. The 43rd Cav Sq took over the zone from GARCHE N and E to the Division boundary maintaining contact with the right elements of the 5th Armd Div.

The remainder of the Division was set in motion southward while command reconnaissance parties went ahead to make the necessary arrangements with XX Corps and 7th Armd Div. After being appraised of the situation in front of METZ the following plan was formulated and immediately executed:

a. 90th Rcn Tr to patrol the river from UCKANGE S to TALANGE.

b. 357th Inf to relieve CCA and CCR of the 7th Armd Div and take over on East - West line from ST PRIVAT exclusive, eastward to contact with the 90th Rcn Tr.

c. To fill the gap between the 357th and 359th Inf and to cover the open ground NW of AMANVILLERS a special force (Task Force Randolph) was created comprising the 712th Tank Bn (-) 2 Engr Cos and 1 TD co.

d. 359th Inf to relieve the 2nd Inf and 27th Rcn Sq in the sector from AMANVILLERS - HABONVILLE road S to GRAVELOTTE.

The relief was completed and the other elements of the Division closed in new locations by midnight.

Division CP opened W of BATILLY.

15 SEPT 44

357th Inf launcehd an attack on the right of its zone with the 1st Bn in the assault. Advancing through thick woods and under conditions of poor visibility, the battalion initially siezed a quarry at the little town of LARENGO, to protect its right flank and then changed direction toward FORT ANANVILLERS. By late afternoon it had advanced well up the N slopes of the hill mass, on the summit of which lay the fort, but increasing enemy resistance brought the advance to a halt. The 2nd Bn on the left of the 1st Bn improved its positions and reconnoitered for a jump-off line.

358th Inf was frustrated in every attempt to get patrols across the river. As an interesting sidelight, on this day 10 fortress guns in the casement NW of THIONVILLE were put into action by our troops and began interdiction of the approaches to THIONVILLE from the N. 3rd Bn was moved by motor to an assembly area at ST NARIX AUX CHENES as Division Reserve, and I Co dispatched to ANNEVILLE to assist the 90th Rcn Tr covering the river line.

359th Inf attacked on the right of its zone with the 2nd Bn, which had for its mission the capture of JEANNE D'ARC. Vicious fighting developed in the draw NE of GRAVLOTTE and progress was extremely slow. I Co was dispatched at noon to clean the woods N of the 2nd Bn to protect its rear.

As a result of the days activities, the Division was now fully aware of the immensity of its task. It was obvious that we could contain the 3500 troops estimating us in FORTRESS METZ, but equally obvious that an unsupported assault was out of the question. The Division plan, thereafter, was to nibble by making a series of limited objective attacks, to harass the enemy by fire and to keep him off balance by aggressive patrols.

16 SEPT 44

357th Inf:
1st Bn, committing all companies, made a strong bid to fierce its way into the FORT area, but to no avail. The road access was barricaded and covered by MG and flat trajectory weapons. All other approaches on the flanks were denied by the existence of a wide and deep moat. The enemy reaction to the attack of the 1st Bn initially made itself felt with increasingly heavy mortar and artillery fire. Subsequently the enemy counterattacked in company strength and did considerable damage to C Co before being repulsed.

359th Inf:
2nd Bn continued its attack to clean out the draw E of GRAVLOTTE. The Boche were exceedingly well dug-in and progress was slow and costly. By nightfall the enemy had been liquidated as far S as the road E from GRAVLOTTE, but the price had been high, as a continual hail of mortar and artillery fire fell on this Battalion.

Up to the N excitement reigned at THIONVILLE as an American patrol battled on the E bank of the river, while a German combat patrol engaged our forces on the W, all in the inky blackness of the night.

S of METZ, in the bridgehead area, the 5th Inf and 7th Armd Divs were making negligible progress in the face of stout resistance and sporadic enemy counterattacks.

17 SEPT 44

357th Inf:
1st Bn attempted still another assault on FORT AMANVILLERS but made no gain. Later in the day 3rd Bn relieved the 1st Bn.

359th Inf:

1st and 2nd Bns mopped up their sectors and improved their positions. During the night 3rd Bn relieved the 2nd Bn.

Throughout the day, and in all sectors, enemy artillery fire became increasingly heavy. Would the enemy counterattack in force? We were ready for him, but the thinness of our line in certain places presented a serious problem.

18 SEPT 44

The Division engaged in no offensive action beyond patrols which continued development of the contours of the enemy's defenses. Our counter battery was largely ineffectual either because of the enemy's well protected emplacements or because of his constant shifting of position areas.

At a secret meeting in MARS LA TOUR the Division General Staff was oriented on the XX Corps plan, "OPERATION THUNDERBOLT". "THUNDERBOLT" was a large scale operation envisioning reductions of FORTRESS METZ by the coordinated efforts of XIX TAC and XX Corps. Basically there was no change in the 90th Div mission except that we were committed to putting the weight of our attack S of GRAVELOTTE. Plans were initiated at Division level, although it was felt that the assault would not be ordered while the 90th Division occupied its extended front.

19 SEPT 44

357th Inf:
2nd Bn was reoriented to face E, taking over responsibility for the area previously held by I Co 358th Inf and 90th Rcn Tr. One company was dispatched to RICHEMONT to clean up enemy patrols which had entered that town the previous night. This mission was accomplished without incident and contact secured with E Co 358th Inf at UCKANGE. 3rd Bn sustained a counterattack on its right flank at 1000, but repulsed it without loss of ground.

358th Inf:
A sizeable German patrol penetrated UCKANGE on 3 sides, only to be driven back with heavy losses. I Co was released from attachment to 357th Inf and rejoined its battalion during the night. 1st Bn relieved 2nd Bn.

359th Inf:
3rd Bn made a limited objective attack to the S and secured a quarry from which the enemy had been embarrassing our supply routes to the front. Mission was accomplished without difficulty.

All available intelligence showed that METZ FORTRESS consisted of an outer and inner belt of mutually supporting forts situated on commanding ground and individually capable of all around defense. All approaches were difficult and well covered by fire. The original construction had been strengthened by the Germans since 1940. All in all the fortress was well-nigh impregnable to a frontal assault.

20 SEPT 44

Work continued on the Division portion of "OPERATION THUNDERBOLT". Aside from a small flurry on the right flank of the 359th Inf, artillery exchanges and patrol activity, the day passed without incident.

21 SEPT 44

All units initiated training of assault detachments in preparation for the attack on METZ. Our artillery continued planned harassing fires on the German positions; heavy retaliatory fire was concentrated in the GRAVELOTTE area. Our patrols, which were able to cross the MOSELLE R in the 358th area, met uniformly strong outposts.

22 SEPT 44

The stalemate continued on the entire CORPS front.

The Army Commander sat in on a Division conference on "OPERATION THUNDERBOLT".

Preliminary plans were made for the relief of 358th Inf by Task Force Polk (Attached to the 83rd Div).

23 SEPT 44

No change in the general situation.

90th Rcn Tr was attached to 357th Inf to fill a gap between the 1st and 2nd Bns. 1st Bn 357th Inf seized and outposted the town of HARANGE SILVANGE. An attempted advance of the 1st Bn 359th Inf southward on the right flank of the regiment was topped abruptly by enemy resistance.

24 SEPT 44

357th Inf captured the towns of BRONVAUK and TERNEL. A French detachment operating in conjunction with the 1st Bn seized the high ground in the BOIS de L'ABBE in the left center of the Regimental zone.

Liaison was established with the 83rd Div and plans completed for the relief of 358th Inf on the night of 25-26 Sept.

To the S, the 2nd Bn, 11th Inf was poised for the assault on FORT DRIANT, the capture of which was essential to the success of this Division's participation in "TUNDERBOLT". With DRIANT in our hands, an advance E from GRAVELOTTE could be vigorously prosecuted.

25 SEPT 44

359th Inf shifted the 3rd Bn to GRAVELOTTE in preparation for the limited objective attack planned for the 26th.

357th and 358th Inf stepped up patrol activity along the river.

Division CP moved to DONCOURT.

26 SEPT 44

359th Inf
3rd Bn, supported by C Co, attacked at 0515 to extend the right flank of the regiment and secure a firm hold on the road from GRAVLOTTE - E as far as ST HUBERT'S FARNE. C Co and L Co on the left moved rapidly and had secured their objectives by midmorning. K Co on the right, hampered by enemy mine fields and exposed ground, was badly handled throughout the day by enemy fire and one counterattack. By dark it was still short of its objective and was relieved by I Co preparatory to continuation of the attack in the morning. 358th Inf was relieved, under cover of darkness, by the 3rd Cav Gp reinforced (Task Force Polk) by E Co 357th Inf which latter unit occupied UCKANGE.

27 SEPT 44

359th INF:
I Co resumed the attack at 0515 to complete the capture of the objective originally assigned 359th Inf. Though it made some progress and secured the right flank of the Battalion, it was unable to reach the desired position. The enemy threw the book at the 3rd Bn in so far as artillery and mortar fire were concerned. The penetration of the 359th Inf toward FORT JEANNE D'ARC had obviously caused him considerable embarrassment. His reaction was to manifest itself in a more direct way the following day. F Co moved to GRAVLOTTE to further bolster the regimental right flank. The regiment was now completely committed and had exhausted its potentiality for further offensive action.

358th Inf moved by motor and marching from THIONVILLE area to assembly area in the vicinity of ST MARCEL and VIONVILLE, with the 1st Bn replacing the 3rd Bn at ST MARIE AUX CHENES as Division Reserve. L Co was dispatched to GRAVLOTTE under regimental control to relieve F Co 359th Inf. Division ordered full reconnaissance of the proposed zone of action S of GRAVLOTTE now occupied by the 3rd Cav Sq.

28 SEPT 44

359th Inf
At daybreak a counterattack launched against the 3rd Bn from the W and from the S. It was repulsed with heavy enemy losses. One hour later an enemy force of approximately 200 men moved W against the 1st Bn from the direction of MOSCOU FARME. Withholding their fire until the enemy had advanced within 20 yards the 1st Bn practically annihilated this group; those remaining alive were either taken prisoner or fled in great disorder back to the FARME. There they were halted, regrouped and reinforced and promptly caught in the massed fires of 5 Battalions of artillery. For the remainder of the day the enemy was quiet in this sector. Shortly after dark he again attacked I Co on the extreme right of the regiment, but made no impression upon our defenses.

In our first mission in 10 days a group of fighter bombers blasted JEANNE D'ARC with negligible results.

At a unit Commanders' conference, called by the Commanding General, plans were discussed for the thinning out of our position areas in order that more men might be made available for assault training and for rehabilitation. Construction was initiated on shelters for front line troops with the primary objective of providing for them a drying and warming place.

Division issued a long range plan for the ultimate capture of FORT JEANNE D'ARC, visualizing the coordinated efforts of the 358th and 359th Inf. Training in assault tactics was accelerated. Support aviation was particularly active during the day in the Division zone engaging targets at LA FOLE FARME, LEIPZIG FARME, SEMECOURT and MAIZIERES.

The Boche played possum, firing only a smattering of mortar, artillery and anti-aircraft.

30 SEPT 44

Except for patrol activity and sporadic artillery exchange, there was no activity in the Division zone. The 358th and 359th worked on preliminary plans for their joint participation in the capture of JEANNE D'ARC. 357th Inf made plans for the capture of MAIZIERES LES METZ. In all regiments the training and the rotation of front line units was continued.

At 2000, 358th Inf was placed on a one hour alert status for movement on Corps order to the zone of action of the XII Corps.

The end of August had found the 90th Div, as part of a larger force, racing pell mell across France hot on the heels of the shattered German Armies of the West. But at this point logistics had tempered strategy and slowed the advance while supplies, the wherewithal for the continuation of the pursuit, were rushed forward. Given thus a breathing spell, the Germans slowed, stopped, turned and began to present something approaching a uniform front of resistance. At the end of September, therefore, we were ,from the Division standpoint, at a stalemate. But elsewhere the shape of the final blow was developing.





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