Tableau Number 2
The SCR300 Radioman
Date: April 2013
Author: Pat Costa - 88th ID & 5th Rangers Dog Company
90th IDPG Editors - Chris Guska, Lee Mudd, Mike Ellis
At the 2013 Winter Line event in Newville, PA, I had a discussion with Pat Costa (5th Ranger Bn & 88th ID) about research articles. Shortly thereafter, he generously provided a research article he had compiled on the SCR-300 radio. The original article is available here.
We've taken the liberty of re-organizing and focusing the text for presentation on the web - with photos from the 90th IDPG for detailed illustration.
A big thank you to Pat for his work and patience with me. We certainly appreciate other reenactors and researchers who take the time to write and share with others.
This article is designed to serve three purposes.
- Provide information regarding the use of the SCR-300 backpack radio in World War II that all US Radioman Reenactors should be familiar with.
- Illustrate and describe the SCR-300 and its accessories.
- Outline my experiences in successfully utilizing the SCR-300 in a reenactment as part of an overall command network.
To accomplish these goals, this article is organized into six sections.
On to Section 1: By the book - TO&E
Section 1: By the book - TO&E
Section 2: Notes from the manuals on equipment
Section 3: Original Photographs - Key Observations
Section 4: Notes on Training and Use
Section 5: Putting it together- Modern Interpretation
Section 6: Adapting the SCR300 for Reenactment Use
90th IDPG Original Research