90th IDPG Original Research


Tableau Number 2
The SCR300 Radioman

Date: April 2013
Author: Pat Costa - 88th ID & 5th Rangers Dog Company
90th IDPG Editors - Chris Guska, Lee Mudd, Mike Ellis

Notes on Supply:

Supplies for radios, SCR-300 included, came from the Division Signal Company, specifically the Supply and Transportation section of the Headquarters Platoon.

This process is discussed in FM 7-24 Communications in the Infantry Division. Pg. 3, 4

In sum, it was the responsibility of the Division Signal Officer to request whatever was needed to maintain the communications equipment of the divisional units, and was handled by the division signal company.


Section 1: By the book - TO&E
Section 2: Notes from the manuals on equipment
Section 3: Original Photographs - Key Observations
Section 4: Notes on Training and Use
Section 5: Putting it together- Modern Interpretation
Section 6: Adapting the SCR300 for Reenactment Use



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